Resources to Help You Get Involved in Research Studies for Migraines

Research Studies for Migraines

If you suffer from migraines and wish to get involved in a clinical study, a good site to check first would be The Migraine Research Foundation. This organization was created to raise funds for new, innovative research studies to better help understand the causes of migraines and find a cure for this condition. Another link,, can help you find which research studies are currently open and recruiting patients just like you.

Check the Migraine Research Foundation

This site has plenty of information. You can find details about past research studies supported by the organization—for example, in 2013 scientists received grants to study the role of astrocytes (cells of the brain and spinal cord) in the development of migraines, since very little is known on this topic. Another study evaluated the role of inflammation and immune modulating drugs for migraines in mice.

Past projects and their results can also be found here; for example, scientific papers already completed have looked at certain genetic components of migraines, while other studies evaluated novel drugs for prevention and management of migraine. You may also be interested in getting familiar with the medical team, or at least one of the researchers involved in the study. You can “meet the researchers" online through the same site. Don’t forget to check the resources links as they provide very useful information, from prescription assistance programs to lists of doctors specialized in migraines, drug safety and more.

If you wish to get involved in scientific research from the Migraine Research Foundation you can donate money or you can start a support group.

Check is a registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials, maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

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Almost all research studies currently in progress can be found on this site. By searching the keyword “migraine" you can find details such as eligibility criteria, the purpose of the study, the type of intervention (whether it’s a drug, a procedure, or a lifestyle change such as diet), the location where the study is conducted, and contact information. You can also search older studies which have already been completed, as they provide details of the study as well as the outcomes of the study and a summary of adverse reactions experienced by the participants.

Other considerations

See your family doctor. Once you decide that the research study suits your needs, you will have to talk to your family doctor since they will be familiar with your overall medical condition, including your migraines. Review the study with your doctor, and evaluate the benefits and risks of getting involved.

Talk to the Research representative. Use the contact information, so phone number or email, provided by the investigators of the study (at and arrange a phone or in person meeting to review the entire process.

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