Staying Positive Despite Migraine

Stop Wasting Energy on Negativity

After days upon days of migraines and fluctuating pain, migraines can bring negativity. It takes a lot of energy and effort to stay positive every day. It’s important to take each day at a time and live life on the bright side — it’s a way of not allowing migraines to take over your life.

Focus on What You Can Still Do, Not What You Can't

Migraines take a lot away, but you should still allow accomplishments. Even the smallest things are a win and need to be celebrated; doing quiet hobbies like quilting, coloring, knitting and sewing offer mind distraction, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment.

It can also be helpful and humbling to volunteer to help others who never get a break from their pain, are in need of a home or job, or face terminal illnesses. It’s easy to focus on your own pain, but helping others with their problems allows life to be placed into perspective while making someone else’s day brighter.

Building a Support System

Surrounding yourself with helpful, supportive, nonjudgmental people can help build up your positivity and lessen social anxiety.

It can be very powerful attending a support group and realizing you are not alone. Talking with people who understand and are going through similar situations may help with positivity, build confidence and release stress.

Pets also have a profoundly positive effect on many people. Pets provide company and support in a way that humans are unable to give.

Faith and Hope

Don’t give up hope and educating yourself on your condition and what can be done about it.

When a migraine strikes, recognizing that it will pass and that you’ve done it before is helpful. If you are religious, having discussions with God and feeling a higher presence may provide comfort. Even if you’re not religious, having faith it will pass and you will survive is important.

There is hope for better research and medication. Currently there is no cure, but faith that the future may have one is positive. All medications may not work, but they are more advanced than before. Strides in recognition and lowered stigma bring hope for the future.

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Focusing on Good Things

Finding something good every day could bring an overall positive outlook. Starting a journal of those things can be a reminder of how many things are good while surviving the bad.

Children bring positivity — seeing them grow and thrive makes me feel better. Their happiness fills me with positivity, regardless of my migraine. They make me smile and work to be better and get better with each passing day.

Spending time in nature, smelling fresh air, feeling a breeze and sunshine makes me feel connected to the world. Even with light and sound sensitivity, a short walk provides a boost in endorphins.


Understanding life is different and you are not the person you were before migraines brings acceptance. Allowing a day of pushing hard and a day of recovery sets expectations and limits.

Learning your limits and listening to your body will help with treating it accordingly. Once acceptance of migraines is obtained, your life will be able to move forward accordingly.

Above all, live your life to the fullest and move forward each day at a time. Making a focused effort to stay positive will allow you to feel better mentally and have clear expectations of each day. It may not be easy, but small steps towards positivity will add up to a positive outlook on life.

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